Radio the way it should be.....

Regulatory guidelines of what is "acceptable" radio content, coupled with bad management decisions from large controlling corporations, has now created a massive void where there was once creative radio.

Once upon a time, back before anyone ever heard of a "wardrobe malfunction," every major radio market in the country had a few shinning stars working their tails off to produce classic bits of comedy. Granted, much of their efforts were what some might called "mean-spirited pranks" at the expense of unsuspecting callers or listeners, but it was all in the name of good fun and great ratings. This was the new golden age of radio.

Now, every market is pretty much the same, and there really is no point in trying to find something truly original on the American dial. This is why I'm pointing you to the fine folks across the pond at Galaxy FM - Yorkshire in Great Britain.

I would especially encourage radio fans to visit the "HIRSTY'S DAILY DOSE" portion of the site. Check out the "Danny Dumps" section to hear an old radio gimmick get new life. This is more like the way FM radio should be.

On the American side of the radio dial, do yourself the good turn of checking out the Rick Emerson program from Portland, Org. Rick Emerson and his band of merrymakers are producing one of the best, most original radio programs in the nation.


Travis said...

Here's a pretty good danny dump.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.